Our Children's Homes
We currently operate three children's homes in Transylvania, Romania (housing 40+ kids in these homes) and are in the process of opening two additional homes: one in North Carolina, USA and another in San Paulo, Brazil. Our children's homes are family environments, staffed by godly house parents who pour into each child, treating them as their own. The house parents do not work in shifts or take extended time away from the children, as is common in other children's homes/orphanages. They function as de facto parents, not as caretakers/shift-workers. Moreover, the kids remain in their age-appropriate home. They are not transferred between homes, as happens in most foster care systems throughout the world. Our conviction is that it is vital that our homes feel as comparable to a family environment as possible. We are confident that the family environment is most conducive for rearing a child. Moreover, it is fundamental in bringing up a child in the ways of the Lord - which is our primary goal.

Hope Home
Hope Home, founded in 2014, was the first of our children's homes. It is located in beautiful mountains of Ardeal, Romania and houses 16 kids (eight girls and eight boys), ranging in age from 10 - 20. Most of the kids in this home have been with us since the home's inception. Some are in the university (the adult ones), and the rest are in primary and secondary schools. The majority of the kids know the Lord, are very active in church, and help with our ministry activities in Romania. They are amazing kids and we see bright futures for each of them.
Anchor Home
Anchor Home is our big boys home. It is located in the Ardeal region of Romania and houses 12 teenage boys. These boys have only been with us for two years, but have come very far in a short period of time. Many of these vibrant youngsters are active in church and the youth group. Additionally, many are excelling scholastically - two of whom are now pursuing career paths at the university.

Peace Home
Peace Home is nestled in the Carpathian mountains of Transylvania, Romania. It opened in 2020 with younger boys from the gypsy camps and state-run orphanages. Currently we have 11 boys in this home, ranging in age from 11 to 18 years old. Most of the kids in this home have given their lives to the Lord and are very active in local outreach and church youth activities.
Grace Home
Grace Home, ensconced in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, is a project still under development and will continue to be for the next year. It is a large undertaking, encompassing a children's home and a Christian camp facility. Finding Hope is currently in possession of the home and its accompanying property.
The North Carolina home continues to slowly progress forward. It will eventually be an invaluable resource to the children of the Appalachian region. Copious red tape and bureaucracy are to be tackled before opening its doors. We know God will make a way in His time! The home/premise renovations have begun and will continue for the rest of this year and probably into next. We will keep everyone informed and updated on the progress of this children's home via our ministry Facebook page and newsletters.