Poverty Relief
Finding Hope has been helping people who are experiencing dire financial pressures for well over 20 years. A large part of our outreach has been among the the Roma gypsy communities in Romania. We help them medically, build/provide free housing, and feed the starving and hungry. Providing humanitarian assistance allows us to share God's love and present the Gospel with those most in need.

Feeding the Hungry
Each week we hand out 50 kilograms (110lbs) of free bread to poor Roma villagers living in squatter camps in the Ardeal region of Romania. We also provide community-wide meals for them every other month or two. Additionally, we give out clothes, school supplies, and other basic necessities.
Medical Help
We provide free medical help to those in need - especially among the Roma gypsy in the Ardeal region of Romania. Our medical staff do free house calls and set up mobile medical clinics in squatter villages. They also arrange, pay for, and coordinate specialist visits for more complicated medical cases.

Providing/Building Housing
We build and renovate homes for the poor, especially those in the squatter villages. In addition, we help the homeless - or those moving out of the squatter villages - secure affordable housing. We often help with first months rent, with down payments, or donate a home/property outright.