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Sponsor a Child in Romania

We cannot care for children alone. Here at Finding Hope we work daily to improve the lives of children and lead them to the Lord. However, we cannot do this alone. There are countless children in need of not only financial support, but a loving and caring individual who will show them that they mean something. This is why we have decided to open a sponsorship program.


There are many places online where caring people can sponsor children. Usually, for a small monthly fee, you’ll receive a picture of a child and a few simple facts. Contact is minimal—but still you are helping to improve a life.At Finding Hope, we go one step more! We like to create a more personal experience for both our children and their sponsors. We believe connection is what our kids need most, more than money, more than gifts. They need to know that someone cares.


Sponsoring an orphan child will bless you and the child you sponsor beyond measure. It will be an incredible life-long journey that will change your life and the life of the child you sponsor forever! We pray you will consider sponsoring one of our children. We cannot care for these orphan children alone! We need your help!

What Child Sponsorship Means


Sponsoring an orphan child will begin a journey that will bless you and the child you sponsor in ways you cannot imagine! The love you show is something that will set our children onto a path filled with hope and potential for a brighter future. After so much abandonment and pain, we believe connection is what our children vitally need. They need to feel someone cares about them – that they are special and God has a plan for their lives! Here at our orphanage they are indeed loved, but they are one of many. When a child gets a sponsor, he/she becomes the single recipient of another’s love, thus making them feel very special and wanted.

Sponsorship is Vital for Success

Not only is sponsoring an orphan child crucial for his/her wellbeing, it is also a major key for his/her success as an adult. When the child is young, Finding Hope serves as his/her caregivers. We parent them, love them, train them up, teach them about the Lord, and pour into them as much as possible. As they grow up, however, they get to know, love, and trust their sponsors (that is if their sponsor has invested time, effort, and sacrifice in them). They begin to rely more and more on them, just as a son/daughter would rely on his/her parents. So when they enter adulthood, their sponsor becomes a sort of parent for them to help get them on their feet in life.

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The Relationship is Lifelong

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When our kids age into adulthood, it becomes increasingly harder for us to meet their more complex needs, e.g. higher education, helping them find and obtain good opportunities in life, etc…. Thus, our hope is that the sponsors will help us get our kids feet on the ground. Most children have parents who help them get established and find their way in the world; ours do not have this luxury. Of course, we will never abandon any child, no matter their age. We will always care for them in whatever capacity we can, trying to ensure they follow the Lord and find success in their lives. However

it is extremely helpful if sponsors when sponsors help in this regard.


How a Sponsorship Works

Once the sponsorship is set up we encourage frequent correspondence between the child and sponsor. This usually entails video calls via apps like Facebook Messanger, WhatsApp, Facetime, etc... Normal phone calls, emails, and handwritten letters are excellent modes as well. In addition we will regularly send you pictures, videos, gifts, drawings, and other things from the child you sponsor. You are encouraged to reciprocate in kind. Also, sending birthday, Christmas, and other gifts to the child is very good. Lastly, you may even come to visit your child and spend time with him or her in country. Basically, any outpouring of love will bring much hope and joy to your child! We will facilitate your correspondence and connection with the child.   

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How to Set up a Sponsporship

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If you would like to sponsor one or more of the children in our homes, please contact us. We will help you choose a child and connect you with him or her. You may contact us by our ministry Facebook page, email, phone, visiting our office in the US, or via the contact form on this website.   

What about the Money 

One can give whatever monthly amount he/she wants (some give $300/month while others give $25/month). We encourage our donors to seek the Lord and give according to what the Lord lays on their heart. We want to stress the amount one gives monthly is not so important; it is connection one makes with the children that matters the most. Any amount of money given on a monthly basis towards one of our children is very much appreciated. It will assist us in caring for the child and be a huge help in seeing our children become successful young adults who love the Lord. We want to be very clear that 100% of the sponsorship donations are used for the child. There are no admin fees, salaries or hidden costs involved.

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